Happy 1st Birthday

January 24, 2017

Today marks the 1st birthday of my blog which is absolutely crazy. I remember sitting at home last year whilst my friend was shouting at me down the phone and sending me many screen shots of how to start up a blog page. I quickly learned about coding and how my English GCSE was finally being put to good use.

I feel like I've not really used this blog to the best of my advantage. I have many thoughts scattering around my brain that I just can't seem to put into words on a page. I have so many things to review which I am going to start very soon. Last year was absolutely filled to the brim with adventure, from starting my dream job to meeting my idol. But with the greatness also came sadness and without dwelling on the past, my new years resolution is to remain focused on positives and with plenty more time on my hands I feel like I can really concentrate on what's important now. I am in such a good place as I write this which I know is something I wasn't when I first started this blog and I'm so proud of myself for once.

I also need to add to my bucket list as I'm pretty sure yesterday checked off a good 80% of it. Seeing Beyonce live at Wembley, meeting Brendon Urie, finally seeing Deftones live, getting absolutely drenched at Download surrounded by my best friends and being chosen for the Lush Christmas launch definitely made 2016 for me.

Happy birthday Imperfect Imposter, here's to another year of listening to Blurryface on repeat whilst trying to concentrate on putting words together. Some things never change.

+ A very big thank you to Paris, you won't get this very often.

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