Oxford Street Lush! - Golden Slumbers

January 25, 2016

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I spend roughly £70 on Lush a month, so I was ecstatic to go to Oxford Street's Lush before going to see Panic! At The Disco in Brixton later that day. I swear by their products, as someone who has suffered from bad skin my whole life, I was relieved when I discovered products by them that actually helped it. (I shall explain in a later post about the products I used and the backstory for them).

I am obsessed with their bath bombs, for Christmas I gained an extra 22 but I decided to venture further and gather some exclusives for future baths. Here are the ones I bought:

  • Cyanide Pill
  • Golden Slumbers x2
  • Sacred Lotus
  • Ylang Song
So far I have tried the Golden Slumbers, which was absolutely beautiful, I came out looking like Ke$ha ft C-3P0. I bought 2 as I loved the smell, and I thought my boyfriend would too but re-thinking, I have a feeling he is going to look like Edward Cullen.

Lush's description:

"A relaxing lavender bath to promote sweeter dreams
Remember how it felt to sleep like a baby? Neither did we before the invention of Golden Slumbers. Leave the sheep behind, and relax in the bath with our triple lavender and chamomile fizzer to unwind your restless mind and gently lull you off to sleep. Stress melts away in waves of lavender sprigs, lavender oil and lavender absolute that we put into each handmade Bath Bomb. Trying to keep your eyes open after a bath with this golden beauty is a feat; you're better just to give in and go off to bed.
I could not agree with the description more, the smell almost 'scent' me to sleep and I was so relaxed afterwards. The only downside (not for me) was the glitter. I personally would cover myself in the stuff on the daily but I can see it being a pain for others + my bathtub took a while to clean. I love the smell of lavender and it's very strong so take that into consideration if you are buying online from the Lush Kitchen but if you go into the store itself, you can test it for yourself. 
Rating: 3.5/5 

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