I have never experienced this happening at any gigs I've been to but thinking further into it, is this because girls aren't coming forward?
I am a fan of the band 'Slaves' and they have made it very clear about what to do if you find yourself being touched inappropriately, which seems to be a current issue at their gigs. This then puts people off not only the atmosphere but going to see them live and their music too. A lot of people are quick to judge the type of music and how this may cause men to act like this. This is bullshit.
You should be able to wear what you want to any gig, whether that's crop tops and jeans or glittered faces, skirts and tees. I have been to a wide range of gigs ranging from different music genres, I loved when I saw Katy Perry live and fans dressed like her in costumes, I fully believe that music inspires people to be themselves and that we should all be able to, without feeling like we are being targeted by a few disgusting individuals.
Girls Against are a campaign set up to help fight against sexual assault at gigs which you can read more about here and I think it's fantastic what these group of girls are doing to help prevent this happening in the future.
From my experience of going to gigs previously, I recommend making friends in the line, especially if you're on your own. I have made friends for life and it's because you should never be afraid to talk to others, after all, these are people who share the same love for music as you! If you see someone on their own, invite them into a conversation and huddle together if the weather is cold, share food and drink! I played UNO at a recent gig with a good 12 people I'd never met before. By doing this, you are looking out for each other and are preventing men to perv on individuals. They are more likely to prey on girls who are alone or in pairs than with a large group of 5+.
Stay safe!
More of this! ^-^ ----------->